Am I too proud that I won't put myself into an awkward situation to better myself? Not one bit. If yoga is going to help me fulfill my goals.. I'm going to take advantage of it.
Every time that I go to my Yoga class (Twice a week). I renew my beliefs about it. During the class, I try my best to do the hardest variation of the poses that I can, because after all I'm there to get better, why not push myself. I sweat profusely most of the time, but I don't mind, most of the time I enjoy sweating. After the class is over, I feel so completely relaxed it is unreal. There is one thing in my life that has taken me to a more relaxed state and that is massage. 6 weeks into the class I am noticeably more flexible, strong and calm throughout the week. I have two hours a week of formal class, and I do two hours a week on my own.(thanks again mom for the yoga mat)
yogatailor.com has a fantastic free trial out there that gives you unlimited yoga programs for multiple difficulty levels and ailments(sore back, pregnancy). This is by far the best resource I have come across in the Yoga world. Please feel free to comment if you have any other cost effective home yoga trainers.
I know how my body has responded to my Yoga training, but here is a list of proven health benefits-
-Stress Reduction
-Range of Motion
-Management of Chronic Health Conditions
-May help with Cancer Complications
-Weight loss
Source: Mayoclinic.com
With this many benefits to your health. I feel as though if you have the opportunity to do it, that you should definitely do it. As a college student I know that most of us are pinching our pennies to make do. College campuses often offer excellent yoga classes for well below the real world average. At UWL it is 25$ for a semester of yoga classes. At most yoga studios the drop in rate is often 10$. So for the price of 2 1/2 yoga studio classes, I get over 20 classes, that is an amazing deal and I am glad that I can take advantage of it. It took my mom bribing me to start yoga, but I will gladly sign up over and over again just for the opportunity to participate in more yoga.
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